Wednesday, July 4, 2007

on the eve of independence

eyelids are heavy as i slip in and out of an uncontrollable willingness to sleep, but i won't let myself submit to slumber. under pain of exhaustion, i can't stop these fingertips from unleashing the words from within.

i find it hard to believe that in 1776, a bunch of rich white people sat around a table and carved out a document that would inevitably free us from so-called tyranny and so thereafter, formed this country. it amazes me that it all started right there. and now, 231 years later, we find ourselves at a place where people of color are still not able to find themselves in painted murals depicting that auspicious day. we weren't allowed at the table then and even now, we find that despite the efforts made and the blood spilled on hallowed grounds, the playing field is still uneven and racism runs rampant. from the ink of the feathered pen to the document signed by traitors of the british empire, i don't think it's unreasonable to believe that, at the time, they believed that their actions were just and it was their duty to turn against the hand that supposedly fed them. it was their responsibility to cry out "freedom" in the darkness of night.

and so, we shall continue to follow in the tradition of those that turned a colony into a nation. now, it is our turn to take back the night and turn it into day. and bring justice, freedom and happiness to all of the people that inhabit this great nation. to do so is to follow in the long line of those that came before. i hope to honor their memory by continuing to fight.

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